Professional Learning/ Instructional Support
Johnson County Schools aligns its curriculum with The Georgia Department of Education. In addition to the state frameworks, local modifications are used as we provide evidence-based instructional practices and strategies for differentiated, innovative, and effective teaching and learning based on the State-adopted standards. Clear expectations for instruction, assessment, and student work outcomes (samples of strong work expectations) are the key components of the curriculum. The goal of the instruction is for students to know and understand “How do I know when my work is good enough?” Standards-based classrooms (including lessons with a focused opening, work session, and closing, rubrics, commentary with feedback, and student conferencing) are the cornerstone of our curriculum to be sure students understand what they need to learn and what it takes to get there.
Johnson County Schools is aligned with the new implementation of the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE). The faculty members collaborate with other educators teachers across the state and local stakeholders to maintain that the standards are relevant.
Georgia standards are reviewed for revision on a regular cycle to stay current with an ever-changing, fast-paced, and technological global society. Georgia standards for all content areas, along with sample instructional resources, are available on GeorgiaStandards.Org.
For More Information, visit the following links
(DIP - CLIP) Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan
GaDOE Classroom Standards Suitcase
GaDOE Inspire Georgia Learning Standards
School Improvement Plan (SIP): JCES SIP JCMS SIP JCHS SIP
Evidence Based Strategies and Interventions
JoCo Comprehensive Literacy Plan
Johnson County School Curriculum Team,
JOCO District Change Team (DCT)
Superintendent - Christopher Watkins
Associate Superintendent of Federal Programs - Tecia McKay
Additionally coordinates Curriculum and Professional Learning
Director of Special Education, Testing and C.T.A.E. - Dr. Hanna Kiser
Additionally coordinates 504, Title VI-B, Work Based Learning, and Gifted Education
Director of Technology, Facilities, Transportation, and Student Information – Charlie Lindsey
Additionally coordinates SIS
Director of Student Services (Whole Child - PBIS, MTSS, SEL) - Amber Attaway
Elementary Principal – Charles Howard, Primary Elementary Curriculum Contact
Elementary Assistant Principal – Beth Martin
Middle / High Principal – Reid Bethea
Middle / High Assistant Principal – John Buxton
Middle / High Assistant Principal – Dexter Mack
Instructional Coach (K-2) – Kelli Rowland
Instructional Coach (3-5) – Heather Hightower
Instructional Coach (Middle School) – Siterro Wheeler
Instructional Coach (High School) – Amy Jackson
Coordinator of Literacy and Community Outcomes - Heather Hightower (JCES)
Angela Tanner (JCMHS)