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Tecia McKay, Ed.S.
Assoc. Superintendent
Johnson County School System
Phone: 478.864.3302

Title I, Part A Program
Academic Achievement of Disadvantaged
Title II, Part A
High Quality Teachers and Leaders
Supports and Academic Enrichment
Rural Education Initiative

The mission of Federal Programs is to procure, manage, and utilize federal funds to provide relavate, quality education opportunities for all stude to develop skills necessary to reach their maximum potential as responsible, productive citizens and lifelong learners.

All schools in Johnson County School district are Schoolwide Title I schools.  Johnson Co. Elementary, Johnson County Middle, and Johnson County High have no designation status and are in good standing.

We value input from all stakeholders. In addition to input meetings, input ca be provided by emailing the Federal Programs Director at


Johnson County School District Annual Report Card
For additional information regarding our school district
visit our
 Resource Library.

Homeless Education (McKinney-Vento)
Enrollment and education of homeless students
Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act
American Rescue Plan
American Rescue Plan
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief - Homeless Children and Youth