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Elementary School 2nd-5th grades:  Gifted students, along with all students, will be served through whole grade enrichment with a focus on developing thinking skills of all learners. Differentiated instructional strategies will also be incorporated through bi-weekly collaboration between gifted specialist and regular classroom teacher.  This will allow gifted students to be in a regular classroom setting and be exposed to gifted level assignments and activities.

Middle School 6th-8th grade Gifted Services:  All gifted student will have the opportunity to test for advanced math placements. Also, gifted specialist will collaborate with regular education teacher to provide the optimum placement to meet gifted needs.

High School 9th - 12th grades: All gifted students are given the opportunity to sign up for honors classes facilitated through collaboration model if the regular education teacher is not gifted certified. Also, gifted students can apply for Move On When Ready option.

In accordance with this philosophy, JCSS provides various programming options for students in grades 2-12 who have been identified as gifted using the criteria found in State Board of Education Rule 160-4-2-.38 EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR GIFTED STUDENTS and the Georgia Department of Education Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services.


Mary Beth Thompson | Gifted Educator |