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Enroll Pre-K

Parents must provide the following information at registration:
*Complete all FIVE student registration forms.
  English Spanish
JCES Registration Form Download  
 PreK Child Registration Form   Download   Descargar
 Parent Occupational Survey Download Descargar
 Home Language Survey Download Descargar
Roster Information Download Descargar

Requirements for Johnson Co. Elementary School enrollment are as follows:

Your child must have reached the age of 4 years old on or before September 1 for Pre-Kindergarten and age 5 on or before September 1 for Kindergarten enrollment.

*If child does not live with legal parent, the person who is enrolling this child must provide guardianship/foster care papers signed by the court.

*Proof of residency (example: light bill, lease agreement, or vehicle registration) information must be in parent's name with the current address.  If you do not live in your own home, please contact JCES staff for information needed.

*Proof of Medicaid or SSI if received.  (NEEDED FOR PRE-K ONLY)

*Certified birth certificate

*Copy of the child's social security card

*Form 3300 (hearing, vision, dental, and nutrition)  (must be signed by a licensed health-care provider or the county health department)

*Form 3231 (certificate of immunization)

Incomplete registration packets will not be accepted. Failure to receive this information will delay your child's placement in a classroom. For more information, please call the JCES Office at 478-864-3446 and speak with Jamie Clements or Marie Powell.