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Parent Resources

Athletics CalendarsCurriculum DepartmentJohnson County School District Report CardMenu (Breakfast and Lunch)Parents Right to KnowPeachCare for Kids
Notice of Rights of Students & Parents Under Sec. 504
Homeless Assistance Act
Home School InformationInfinite Campus

Johnson County State of the District

Local Wellness Policy
We invite you to participate in the development and implementation of the Local Wellness Policy. Public input concerning the BOE Wellness Policy is welcome and can be sent to

The Family-School Partnership Program offers publications to help guide parents and students in their transition into kindergarten, middle school and high school as well as several other helpful guides.  To view the available downloads, Click Here.

Child Find
Child Find is a legal requirement that schools find all children who have disabilities and who may be entitled to special education services. To find out more information, Click Here.

Get in the Game

Water Safety
Every year in the U.S., nearly 900 children and adolescents ages 0 to 19 die from unintentional drowning.  Around 4000 deaths occur when adults are included in the numbers. About 8000 nonfatal drownings occur each year. Many nonfatal drownings require hospitalization and can be the cause of long term injury. There are many causes of drowning for children and adults.  Parents are encouraged to educate themselves regarding the risk factors related to drowning and what you can do to reduce those risk factors within your family.

Red Cross - Developing Water Competency video (Vimeo)

Red Cross - Training opportunities near Wrightsville

Red Cross - Swimming and Water Safety (PDF)

YMCA - Water Safety (PDF)

Safe Kids Georgia - Water Safety

Milestone: High School Milestone EOC Student/ Parent Study/Resource Guides
Milestone: Grades 3-8 Milestone EOG Student/ Parent Study/Resource Guides
Parent Engagement Library for Parents, Students & Staff, more>>

    GPB and GaDOE just launched “Getting Ready” guides for grades K-3 as part of our Georgia Home Classroom initiative. The skills were identified by GaDOE Curriculum & Instruction staff.
See them here:
PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) 
Family and Parent Engagement Policy
• Elementary School Family & Parent Engagement Policy
• Middle School Family & Parent Engagement Policy
• High School Family & Parent Engagement Policy
JOCO District Family Engagement Policy

Family and Parent Engagement Surveys FY24
»Title 1 Parent Survey    »Crìe Inspección de Satisfacción
(Download and open in Acrobat Reader for fillable form)
Johnson Co Title 1 - Parent Satisfaction and Needs Assessment Results

Title I School-Parent-Student Compact Brochures

For schools receiving Title I funding, it is required that parents and educators share the responsibilities for promoting high student performance. The compact below details the shared responsibilities for supporting students’ attainment of high academic achievement.

JCES Title I Parent Compact
JCMS Title I Parent Compact
JCHS Title I Parent Compact

Family and Parent Engagement Notices
School Designation Parent Notice (English)
Designación de la escuela Aviso para los Padres (Spanish)
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
JCES Comprehensive Needs Assessment  
JCMS Comprehensive Needs Assessment  
JCHS Comprehensive Needs Assessment

School Wide Plan (SWP/SIP)
JCES School Wide Plan / School Improvement Plan
JCMS School Wide Plan / School Improvement Plan
JCHS School Wide Plan / School Improvement Plan

SWP Parent Feedback

Parent Engagement 1


Parent Engagement 2


Intradistrict Transfer Rights - Johnson County Schools is not required to offer Intradistrict Tranfer Option based on the state law.  The Intradistrict Law is acknowledged, but based on ESEA School Status (no schools were identified as Priority, Focus, nor Title I Alert) and there is no choice of school in Johnson County, it is not offered.